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Nature’s Pic Images is a comprehensive stock image library established in 1995 by well respected, award winning, New Zealand photographer, Rob Suisted.

Moody Farmland Panorama

Nature’s Pic Images is now one of New Zealand’s most popular image libraries, supplying quality images to a broad range of clients, with a diverse range of image needs. We have supplied images for books, magazines, corporate decor, calendars, school textbooks and journals, presentations, CD-ROMs, postcards, postage stamps, bank notes, annual reports, advertisements, TV Commercials, commercial billboards.... Examples of our better known clients are shown beside.

Lake Wakatipu, Lord of the Rings, Panorama

Nature’s Pic Images holds an extensive and ever-growing collection of over 50,000 images; with new images being uploaded constantly to our website. Click here to see our latest images. We also use the most up to date camera equipment, and computer software, to ensure that all our images are of superior quality, and can be delivered to you in a format that meets your individual requirements. Click here to read more technical information.

Kepler Track Great Walk panorama

At Nature’s Pic Images, we are dedicated to providing our clients with access to superior imagery of New Zealand’s most magical scenery, flora & fauna, an experience which is normally beyond the reach of most people. By introducing others to this remarkable imagery, we hope that others will share our passion for New Zealand’s spectacular natural environment. Click here to see some of our favourite images.

At Nature’s Pic Images, we are also committed to providing fast, friendly & personalised customer service, which is focussed on delivering the best possible solutions for your image requirements.

All Nature’s Pic Images are accompanied by comprehensive and accurate accompanying information, and unlike most other image libraries, we can also provide specialist details or information in relation to any of our images if required, due to our specialist expertise. We know the images because we made them.

We've recently developed a website selling Rob Suisted's favourite images on high quality canvas prints, called www.RobSuistedonCanvas.co.nz. Have a look.

Who are we?

Rob Suisted
Rob is one of New Zealand’s most respected nature photographers.

His love of the outdoors and our wildlife has led him to a background in zoology, previously a career in conservation management (as NZ's national marine mammal advisor) & quality management systems, along with extensive experience in New Zealand’s remote back-country areas.

He is also a frequent visitor to the spectacular sub-Antarctic, and Antarctic regions to the south of New Zealand.

He has just finished his 17th book project, has over 40 postage stamps with his work, hundreds of calendars, a few NZ bank notes, and been involved with many of New Zealand's biggest visual projects. He's a major supplier of very large specialist image files for super graphics and murals. He often speaks publicly on the subjects of photography, conservation, and his travels.

You can learn more about Rob here in various media. Or, have a wander through his blog to get an idea of recent events, awards and work.

Misty bush ridge vertical panorama

Commissioning photos?

Rob does commissioned photography work for some major New Zealand organisations to create images to accompany their brand or projects. Please discuss with us if you're after specific images.

Rob is an award aerial filming specialist also and owns special gear such as drones and Kenyon Labs gyro stabiliser equipment for aerial work. He's filmed from all manner of aircraft, Hughes 500, Robinson R22, R44, Aerospatiale Squirrel etc, and many types of fixed wing planes. Aerial filming requires specialist knowledge, equipment, expertise and safety. Drop us a line if we can help.

If commissioning images is outside your budget, another option to discuss is working to create images to meet both of our needs - for instance, we may have interest in collecting similar images and we could share the commission costs and share the images. Or we can retain full copyright of images, and licence for the specific uses you need for a period. Options always exist to meet budget, and we're into finding solutions. Drop us a line.

Rob has published 17 top selling pictorial books so far, as well as working on many other book projects. Rob Suisted & Harry Broad won a national book award for Molesworth Station Book. Rob was also entrusted to shoot the much loved Country Calendar 50th anniversary book - a celebration of a much loved national TV programme, and 2nd oldest TV show in the world!
Books by Rob Suisted


Marlborough Sounds
A special poem illustrates what Wilderness means to Rob -- beautiful writing by Rob Service epitomizes his love for the outdoors, and importance of the wilderness concept to mankind's psyche.


Do you wonder why we put the following mark on all our images?? Check out the reasons here....
Wellington & Beyond


Nature's Pic Images is 100% New Zealand owned and operated. How about sourcing quality NZ images locally - not from a large faceless multi-national stock library
A sample of our clients...
World Wildlife Fund for Nature
New Line Cinema & Lord of the Rings Extended DVD
Hewlett Packard
Discovery Channel
Sky Television
New Zealand
Tourism New Zealand
New Zealand Geographic Magazine
American Museum of National History
New Scientist magazine
Royal Society
The Royal Society
Tesco, UK
Standard and Poors
Auckland International Airport
Auckland International Airport
Christchurch International Airport
Christchurch International Airport
Air New Zealand
Air New Zealand
Thai Air
Thai Airways
Virgin Blue Airlines
Scandinavian Airlines
New Zealand Post
Australia Post
Steinlager PURE
42 Below Vodka
M&C Saatchi
Saatchi & Saatchi
John Sands
The Ink Group
Starbucks Coffee
Visa International
American Express
Ministry of Health
Ministry of Foreign Affairs & Trade
Department of Conservation
Ministry for Primary Industries
Ministry of Business Innovation and Employment
Te Puni Kokrir
New Zealand Police
Office of the Ombudsman
NZ Ministry for the Environment
Parliamentary Commissioner for the Environment
Maritime NZ
Maritime New Zealand
Standards New Zealand
The DominionPost Newspaper
Fairfax Media
Bauer Media Group
The Listener Weekly
Royal Forest & Bird Protection Society
Landcare Research
Landcare Research
Greater Wellington Regional Council
Wellington City Council
Auckland Council
Christchurch City Council
Hawke's Bay Regional Council
Lonely Planet Guidebooks
Fodor's travel guide to New Zealand
The Rough Guide
Automobile Association United Kingdom
New Holland Publishers
Struik Publishing
Brockhaus Publishing
Usborne Publishing
Reader's Digest
Potton and Burton publishing
Penguin Random House
Te Ara - Encyclopedia of new Zealand
University of Canterbury
Otago University Press
McGraw Hill Books
Museum of New Zealand,
Te Papa Tongarewa
Montana Brancott Wines
Mudhouse Wines
The Interisland Line
Asian Development Bank
Asteron Insurance
TSB Bank
National Provident Fund
Endless Vacation Magazine, USA
Back Packer Magazine, USA.
Wildlife Conservation Magazine
Australian Women's Weekly Magazine
New Zealand Gardener Magazine
NZ House & Garden, onholiday Magazine
Wellington Electricity
Meridian Energy
DX Mail
Hema Maps
Bayleys Real Estate
Bayleys Realty Group
The Correspondence School
Wellington Convention Centre
ChildFund NZ
Wakefield Hospital
Auckland District Health Board
Fisher and Paykel Healthcare
Pzifer Pharmaceuticals
Alcohol Advisory Council of New Zealand
Cancer Society of New Zealand
ABB Group
Fulton Hogan
AHI Roofing
Metro Glasstech
A1GP New Zealand
Positively Wellington Tourism
Land Information NZ
Quotable Value
Shoof International Ltd
XM Asia Pacific
XM Asia Pacific

NATURE'S PIC IMAGES - New Zealand nature, scenic, & wildlife photography and stock image library, by professional photographer Rob Suisted
Email:   |   Website: www.NaturesPic.com or www.NaturesPic.co.nz
Phone: (+64 4) 478-8989   |   Fax: (+64 4) 232-5023

Website & all Images © Rob L. Suisted--Nature's Pic Images. All Rights reserved. Our images are digitally tracked for unlawful usage.