Sheep flock being herded |
Sheep flock being herded |
Ewes with new born spring lambs |
Ewe with new born spring lambs |
Ewe with new born spring lambs |
Antarctic Fur Seal |
Antarctic Fur Seal |
Antarctic Fur Seal |
Antarctic Fur Seal |
Antarctic Fur Seal |
Antarctic Fur Seal |
Adelie penguin |
Adelie penguin |
Adelie penguin |
Blue-eyed shags |
Blue-eyed shags |
Blue-eyed shags |
Blue-eyed shags |
Blue-eyed shags |
Blue-eyed shags |
Blue-eyed shags |
Blue-eyed shag |
Sculpture at Queenstown Airport |
Macaroni Penguins |
Macaroni Penguins |
Crabeater Seals |
Scotch thistle flower |
Scotch thistle flower |
Green spider |
Ichneumon wasp & crab spider |
Ichneumon wasp & crab spider |
Ichneumon parasitic wasp |
Ichneumon parasitic wasp |
Crab Spider |
Crab spider |
Crab Spider |
Crab Spider hunting spider |
Cat killing a wild rabbit |
Cat killing a wild rabbit |
Cat killing a wild rabbit |
NZ Red Beech leaf and domatia |
NZ Red Beech leaf, sunlit |
NZ Red Beech leaf, sunlit |
NZ Red Beech leaves |
NZ Red Beech leaf |
NZ Hard Beech leaf, sunlit |
NZ Hard Beech leaves |
NZ Hard Beech leaves |
Native NZ Red Admiral butterfly |
NZ Coprosma fruit, microcosmos |
Black swan pair |
Kingfisher bird waiting for prey |
Kingfisher bird waiting for prey |
Stockmen working cattle |
Sheep and spring lambs |
Welcome swallow |
Welcome swallow |
Cattle herd in Molesworth |
Cattle herd in Molesworth |
Cattle herd in Molesworth |