Hooker's Sea Lion pup age 2 weeks |
Southern Skua bird |
Skua birds |
Mollymawk preening |
Mollymawk on nest |
Yellow-eyed penguins in tree |
Yellow-eyed penguins in tree |
Fiordland crested penguin & chick |
Fiordland crested penguin & chick |
Fiordland Crested penguin |
Fiordland crested penguin & chick |
Fiordland crested penguin & chick |
Fiordland crested penguin & chick |
Fiordland crested penguin & chick |
Fiordland crested penguin & chick |
Fiordland crested penguin & chick |
Fiordland crested penguin |
Native Bird & fish from inside a trout |
Native White faced heron |
Red billed Gull |
Red billed gull |
Red billed Gull |
Red billed gulls flying over sand |
Kaka bird eating coprosma fruit |
Kaka bird feeding on coprosma fruit |
NZ North Island Brown Kiwi |
NZ North Island Brown Kiwi |
Native Morepork |
North Island Kaka close up |
Wild red deer |
Wild red deer |
Wild red deer |
Wild Spiker Red deer stag by tree |
Kea bird |
Gannet on the wing |
Male paradise duck |
Kiwi |
Pukeko in wetland |
Kereru, NZ native pigeon |
Morepork |
Juvenile pelicans on the shore |
New Zealand Sealion |
New Zealand Sealion |
Southern Skua bird |
Royal Albatross |
Auckland Is. Banded dotterel |
Elephant seal |
Kea bird |
Kea bird |
Chaffinch on coastal foreshore |
Chaffinch on coastal foreshore |
Chaffinch on coastal foreshore |
Spotted Shag, NZ endemic |
Spotted Shag, NZ endemic |
Spotted Shag, NZ endemic |
King Penguin colony |
Bounty Islands, remote NZ islands |
Bounty Islands, remote NZ islands |
Bounty Islands, remote NZ islands |
Bounty Island shag |