Pokaka native tree |
Kanuka tree leaves |
Kanuka tree canopy |
Kamahi Tree leaves |
Pigeonwood tree |
Pigeonwood leaves |
Kawaka Tree, native NZ Cedar |
Horopito, NZ Peppertree |
Heketara tree in forest |
Kohekohe leaves, NZ native |
Whau, native tree |
Whau, native tree |
Whau, native tree |
Whau, native tree |
Whau, native tree |
Hinau Tree foliage |
Hinau Tree foliage |
Hinau Tree foliage |
Five Finger tree leaves |
Native tree plantings for restoration |
Native tree plantings for restoration |
Five Finger tree leaves |
Native tree plantings for restoration |
Kahikatea seedling |
Kowhai tree seed pods |
Kahikatea seedling |
Kahikatea seedling |
Kahikatea seedling |
Tree Lucerne plantings |
Tree Lucerne plantings |
Kauri tree plantings |
Tarata, Lemonwood tree |
Akeake tree |
Eskdale cyclone flood silt, Napier |
Eskdale cyclone flood silt, Napier |
Pohutukawa tree, Coromandel |
Sand dune plants, BOP |
Sand dune plants, BOP |
Sand dune plants, BOP |
Mokihinui Forest wind damage, Buller |
Mokihinui River, Buller |
NZ Cedar, Kaikawaka seedling |
NZ Cedar, Kaikawaka seedling |
NZ Cedar, Kaikawaka seedling |
NZ Cedar, Kaikawaka seedling |
NZ Cedar, Kaikawaka seedling |
NZ Cedar, Kaikawaka seedling |
NZ Cedar, Kaikawaka seedling |
Red Beech forest canopy |
Cattle grazing amongst native forest |
Mahoe trees |
Mahoe trees |
Kauri tree bark, young tree |
Canada Goose hunting |
Cattle grazing, Hunua Mangatawhiri |
South Waikato farmland and forest |
Young cattle with forest remnants |
Waikato farm land, Otorohanga |
Northern Hawkes Bay hill country, stumps |
Pine timber logs for export |