Iceberg with sculptured hollows |
Iceberg with sculptured hollows |
Ice floating on calm dark water |
Iceberg reflected in dark calm water |
Coloured rocks, stones and marble |
Coloured rocks, stones and marble |
Mackinnon Pass/Milford Track |
Rangipo Desert/Mt Ruapehu |
Rangipo Desert |
Rangipo Desert |
Lake Tekapo |
Lake Tekapo |
Young cattle at Tarndale |
Cattle at Tarndale |
Cattle at Tarndale |
Cattle at Tarndale |
Cattle at Tarndale |
Musterers horses and dogs |
Musterers horses and dogs |
Cattle at Tarndale |
Mustering cattle heifers |
Walker on Mount Chisholm |
Walker on Mount Chisholm |
Walker on Mount Chisholm |
Musterer on horseback |
Musterers with their horses and dogs |
Musterer with his horse and dogs |
Musterer on horseback |
Musterer on horseback with his dogs |
Musterer on horseback |
Musterer on horseback |
Musterer on horseback |
Musterers at Tarndale homested |
Musterers with their horses and dogs |
Musterers with their horses and dogs |
Musterers with their horses and dogs |
Farm cattle dogs being let out |
Farm cattle dogs being let out |
Farm cattle dogs being let out |
Farm cattle dogs being let out |
Molesworth Station, Marlborough |
Fence above the Acheron River valley |
Horses on Molesworth Station |
Cattle at Tarndale |
Molesworth Station |
Molesworth Station front country |
Portrait, Max Nelson, Molesworth |
Portrait, Shirley Hewlett, cook |
North Canterbury vineyards |
NZ Spring lambs |
NZ Spring lambs |
NZ Spring lamb |
NZ Spring lambs |
Titoki Tree, NZ native tree |
Titoki Tree, NZ native tree |
Merino wool |
Merino sheep wool |
Champagne Pool at Waiotapu, Roturua |
Champagne Pool, Rotorua |
Canterbury plains |