Adelie penguins, Antarctica coast |
Adelie penguins prepare to dive |
Adelie penguins, Antarctica coast |
Adelie penguins, Antarctica coast |
Line of Adelie penguins on snow |
Line of Adelie penguins on snow |
Line of Adelie penguins on snow |
Line of Adelie penguins on snow |
Adelie penguin touching chick |
Adelie penguin eating snow |
Adelie penguin group in rookery |
Adelie penguin feeding chick |
Adelie penguin walking on snow |
Adelie penguin face close up view |
Adelie penguin, raised flippers |
Clyde Boat Quay, Wellington |
Historic steamboat Kerikeri |
Camping, Northland |
Summer camping, Northland |
Summer camping, Northland |
Summer camping, Northland |
Flax flower heads |
Flax flower heads |
Queen Charlotte Sound |
Queen Charlotte Sound |
Queen Charlotte Sound |
Mabel Island, Marlborough Sounds |
Sunbathing, Clyde Quay, Wgtn |
Sunbathing, Wellington waterfront |
Clyde Quay marina, Wellington |
Clyde Quay Marina, Wellington |
Queens Wharf outdoor dining, Wgtn |
Oriental Bay from Band Rotunda |
Oriental Bay from band rotunda |
People enjoying Oriental Bay |
Surf life saviing boat racing |
Surf life saving boat races |
Yacht sailing, Marlborough Sounds |
Boat, Marlborough Sounds |
Ferry passengers on Interislander |
Foxy puppy in jet boat |
Jet-boating, Wairaurahiri River |
Jet boat ride on river rapids |
Jet boat ride on river |
Jet boat ride on river rapids |
Jet boat ride on river rapids |
Jet boat ride on river rapids |
Jet boat ride on river rapids |
Jet boat ride on river rapids |
Jet boat ride on river rapids |
Rapids jet boat ride, Southland |
Rapids jet boat ride, Southland |
Rapids jet boat ride, Southland |
Rapids jet boat ride, Southland |
RiverRapids Jet boating Southland |
River jet boating, Southland |
Dusk, Waitutu Coast beach |
Boats, Doubtful Sound, Fiordland |
Kayakers Doubtful Sound Fiordland |
Kayakers Doubful Sound, Fiordland |