Wild Chamois |
Fallow deer doe in a clearing |
Wild fallow deer |
Wild fallow deer |
Trig station, Somes/Matiu Island |
South Westland |
South Westland, Ellery Creek |
Lake Ellery, South Westland |
Kahikatea tree stand, Westland |
Forest wetland, South Westland |
Trout fishing, South Westland |
Kapiti coast |
Wild red deer |
Wild red deer |
Wild red deer |
Wild Spiker Red deer stag by tree |
Longfin eel, NZ endemic species |
Forest wetland, South Westland |
Marlborough Sounds |
Farmland and Mount Taranaki |
Clarence River and Muzzle Station |
Clarence River and Muzzle Station |
Pukeko in wetland |
Kapiti Island |
Sambar deer |
Interisland Ferry in harbour |
Stewart Island - Winter |
Whitetail deer, Stewart Island |
Snow in sand dunes, Masons Bay |
Kapiti Island and Kapimana coast |
Kapiti Island |
Possum |
Possum |
wild possum pest |
Auckland Islands, NZ Sub Antarctic |
Charles Suisted stables 1848, Otago |
Ward Beach, Weld Cone, Marlborough |
Rakiura Track - Stewart Island |
Paterson Inlet Islands, Stewart Is. |
Paterson Inlet Islands, Stewart Is. |
Wild rabbit alert on Gorse bush |
Wild rabbit alert on Gorse bush |
Wild rabbit alert on Gorse bush |
Wild rabbit alert on Gorse bush |
Edward Ellison, Kai Tahu |
Bounty Islands, remote NZ islands |
Bounty Islands, remote NZ islands |
Bounty Islands, remote NZ islands |
Bounty Islands, remote NZ islands |
Bounty Islands, remote NZ islands |
Bounty Islands, remote NZ islands |
Bounty Islands, remote NZ islands |
Bounty Islands, remote NZ islands |
Bounty Islands, remote NZ islands |
Bounty Islands, remote NZ islands |
Lake Waihola, Taieri Plain, Otago |
Lake Waihola, Taieri Plain, Otago |
Lake Waihola, Taieri Plain, Otago |
Coastal wetlands, Horowhenua |
Power pylons |