Lush growth of sphagnum moss |
Kereru in winter flowering tree |
Kowhai blooms |
Kowhai bloom against blue sky |
Golden Kowhai blooms against sky |
Kowhai flowers |
Kowhai flowers |
Blooms of golden Kowhai |
Kowhai blooms with leaves |
Kowhai flowers |
Cluster of Blue mussels |
Lace like fern fronds |
Fern fronds |
Native flax bush |
Closeup of flax leaves |
Cook Strait Groundsel flowers |
Pretty native flowers |
Lovely yellow native flowers |
Lovely yellow native flowers |
NZ Damselfly mating behaviour |
NZ Damselfly laying eggs |
Native Kowhai leaves |
Poor Knights Lily flowers |
Poor Knights lily flowers |
Close up of leaf structure |
Making whitebait patties |
Whitebait on hook |
Shark skin texture |
Shark skin closeup |
Five finger flowers |
Five finger flowers |
NZ native fern koru |
NZ native fern frond tips |
Orange pore fungus |
Cats eye shells |
Cats eye shells |
Cats eye shells |
Cats eye shells |
Rata flower |
Rata flower pollen |
Rata flower anthers |
Rata flowers anthers |
Catseye shell |
Dew drops on leaf |
Endemic kidney fern |
Stick insect |
Native hebe flowers |
Giant sedge seeds |
Giant sedge seeds texture |
Sedge seeds |
Stinkhorn fungus fruiting |
Kea (Nestor notabilis) preening |
Spiral patterned 'catseye shells' |
Close up Snares crested penguin |
King Penguins stretching flippers |
King penguin profile close up |
Royal Penguins fighting |
Royal Penguins fighting |
Rock Hopper penguin close-up |
South Polar Skua descent |