Rocky reefs, Titahi Bay |
Rocky reefs, Titahi Bay |
Ward Beach, South Marlb Coast |
Wellington South Coast dawn |
Wellington South Coast dawn |
Windy Wellington South Coast |
Windy Wellington South Coast |
Windy Wellington South Coast |
Waikokopu, Mahia |
Mahia Coast, Old Mans Hat Rock |
Yellow-eyed penguins |
Okurei Point, Maketu, BOP |
Okurei Point, Maketu, BOP |
Bobbys Head, Goodwood coast, North Otago |
Bobbys Head, Goodwood coast, North Otago |
Bobbys Head, Goodwood coast, North Otago |
Bobbys Head, Goodwood coast, North Otago |
Bobbys Head, Goodwood coast, North Otago |
Bobbys Head, Goodwood coast, North Otago |
Motukiekie Rocks, Punakaiki Coast |
Motukiekie Rocks, Punakaiki Coast |
Motukiekie Rocks, Punakaiki Coast |
Motukiekie Rocks, Punakaiki Coast |
Motukiekie Rocks, Punakaiki Coast |
Motukiekie Rocks, Punakaiki Coast |
Motukiekie Rocks, Punakaiki Coast |
Perpendicular Point, Paparoa National Park |
Kohaihai, Heaphy track coast, Karamea |
Kohaihai, Heaphy track, Karamea |
Kohaihai, Heaphy track, Karamea |
Mussel farming, Port Underwood, Marlborough |
Kairakau Beach, Central Hawkes Bay |
Kairakau Beach, Central Hawkes Bay |
Baring Head lighthouse, Wellington |
Baring Head lighthouse, Wellington |
Baring Head from Turakirae Head, Wellington |
Turakirae Head, Wellington |
Turakirae Head, Wellington |
Bird Island, Dunedin South Coast |
Taitomo Island, Piha Beach, West Auckland |
Taitomo Island, Piha Beach, West Auckland |
Taitomo Island, Piha Beach, West Auckland |
Taitomo Island, Piha Beach, West Auckland |
Taitomo Island, Piha Beach, West Auckland |
Taitomo Island, Piha Beach, West Auckland |
Thames coast road with Pohutukawa Trees |
Thames coast road with Pohutukawa Trees |
Whites Bay beach, West Auckland |
Motuara Is., Marlborough Sounds |
Cannibal Cove, Marlborough Sounds |
Wellington harbour mouth, Baring Head |
Wellington harbour mouth, Baring Head |
Kohaihai, Heaphy track, Karamea |
Kohaihai, Heaphy track, Karamea |
Karori Rock lighthouse, Cook Strait |
Buller bay, Cape Foulwind, Westport |
Constant and Joyce Bays, Charleston, Buller |
Constant and Joyce Bays, Charleston, Buller |
Constant Bay, Charleston, Buller |
Constant Bay, Charleston, Buller |