Group of Royal Penguins |
Group of moulting Penguins |
Penguin on rocks |
Penguin on rock |
Fur Seal Leaping from water |
Damaged landscape |
Damage caused by rabbits |
Damage caused by rabbits |
Research station on Snares Island |
Sea lion pup feeding from mother |
Lazy Elephant Seal |
Territorial fighting |
Regurgitating Sea Lion |
Penguins climbing up rocks |
Penguins launching ashore |
Relaxed elephant seal |
Seals sleeping on beach |
Resting elephant seals on beach |
Young elephant seals on shore |
Young elephant seals |
Coming through! |
Mating Sea Lions |
Get Off!!! |
Birth of Sea Lion |
Female Sea Lion with Males |
Macquarie Shag |
Endangered Teal at Auckland Is |
Auckland Islands Teal |
Auckland Is. Teal |
Auckland is. Teal |
Sea lion & Snares Crested Penguins |
Penguins chased by bull sea lion |
NZ Sealion mating elephant seals |
NZ Sealion mating elephant seals |
Branded Bull Sea Lion |
Seabirds on ocean swell |
Southern Giant Petrel |
Northern Giant Petrel |
Gentoo Penguin chicks |
Northern Giant Petrel |
Brown Skua bird |
Brown Skua chick |
Antarctic Prion |
Antarctic Prion |
Antarctic Prions |
Gentoo Penguin and chick |
Gentoo Penguin chick |
Gentoo Pengun and chick |
Gentoo Penguin and chick |
Gentoo Penguin chick |
Flying on the beach |
Flying on the beach |
Adult penguin feeding chick |
Adult penguin feeding chick |
Adult penguin feeding chick |
Adult Gentoo Penguin with chicks |
Adult Gentoo Penguin and chicks |
White-capped mollymawk |
Wandering Albatross |
Wandering albratross |