Paremata Inlet, Porirua City |
Paremata Inlet, Porirua City |
Paremata Inlet, Porirua City |
Paremata from Plimmerton |
Porirua Harbour from Plimmerton |
Porirua Harbour from Plimmerton |
Porirua City and Harbour |
Porirua City and Harbour |
Porirua City and Harbour |
Porirua City and Harbour |
Porirua City and Harbour |
Porirua City and Harbour |
Belmont Regional Park, Wgtn |
Belmont Regional Park, Wgtn |
Belmont Regional Park, Wgtn |
Porirua City and Harbour |
Porirua City and Harbour |
Porirua Harbour and Paremata |
Porirua, Paremata and Harbour |
Porirua City and Harbour |
Porirua City and Harbour |
Titahi Bay Boating Club, Porirua |
Titahi Bay Boating Club, Porirua |
Titahi Bay Boating Club, Porirua |
Titahi Bay Boating Club, Porirua |
Yacht sailing into Porirua Harbour |
Bush fire at Titahi Bay, Wellington |
Bushfire at night |
Shellfish collecting, Paremata |
Shellfish collecting, Paremata |
Family collection cockles |
Paremata Inlet |
Paremata Inlet |
Paramata inlet |
Paremata boatsheds |
Yacht, Plimmerton |
ketch, Plimmerton |
Paremata boatsheds |
Paremata boatsheds |
Parameter, Wellington |
Fishing, Paremata |
Fishing, Paremata |
Porirua Harbours, Paremata Mana |
Paremata Mana, Porirua City |
Paremata Bridges, Porirua Harbour |
Plimmerton and Pauatahanui Inlet |
Porirua City and Harbour |
Porirua City and Harbour |
Paremata bridge, Porirua Harbour |
Paremata Bridges, Porirua Harbour |
Porirua Harbour entrance, Whitireia Park |
Whitireia Park, Tithi Bay, Porirua |
Porirua Harbour entrance |
Tokaapapa Reef, Porirua Harbour, Plimmerton |
Yacht leaving Porirua Harbour, Plimmerton |
P-class sailing regatta, Plimmerton |
P-class sailing regatta, Plimmerton |
Pauatahanui Wildlife Reserve, Porirua Harbour |
Pauatahanui Wildlife Reserve, Porirua Harbour |
Pauatahanui Wildlife Reserve, Porirua Harbour |