Wellington beach |
Fishing, Wellington South Coast |
Wellington Boot. Gardens |
Wellington Railway Station. |
Parliament |
Parliament, Wellington |
Old Govt Bldgs, Wellington |
Old Govt Bldgs, Wellington |
Wellington city |
Wellington city |
Wellington CBD |
Wellington City |
Wellington Civic Square |
Wellington City |
Wellington Waterfront |
Town Hall crowd, Wellington |
Wellington sunset |
Mahoe tree fruit |
Wharehou Bay, South Wellington |
Somes/Matui Island bunker |
Lighthouse, Somes/Matiu Island |
Trig station, Somes/Matiu Island |
Black tunnelweb spider |
Native tawa tree forest canopy |
Tawa tree forest |
Waves and bird colony |
Rhodo flowers |
Wild Wellington coast |
Wild waves in Wellington. |
Parliament buildings |
Native wood pigeon on branch |
Native Magpie moth on leaf |
Wellington and hillside suburbs |
South Is sunset from Wellington |
Northern grass skink, NZ native |
Northern grass skink head, NZ native |
Northern grass skink on rock, NZ native |
Northern grass skink, NZ native |
Northern grass skink, NZ native |
Northern grass skink, NZ native |