Kaikoura Ranges from Molesworth |
Kaikoura Ranges from Molesworth |
Inland Kaikoura Ranges & Lake McRae |
Horses on Molesworth Station |
Horses on Molesworth Station |
Cattle on Molesworth Station |
Cattle on Molesworth Station |
Cattle on Molesworth Station |
Cattle on Molesworth Station |
Cattle on Molesworth Station |
Cattle on Molesworth Station |
Cattle on Molesworth Station |
Cattle on Molesworth Station |
Cattle on Molesworth Station |
Lake Sedgemere |
Lake Sedgemere |
Lake Sedgemere, Molesworth |
Trout fisherman |
Trout fisherman, Sedgemere |
Trout fisherman |
Trout fisherman |
Trout fisherman |
Trout fisherman |
Angus Bull |
Island Lake at Tarndale |
Clarence River, Molesworth Station |
Clarence River, Molesworth Station |
Clarence River & Acheron River |
Trout fishing in Bowscale Tarn |
Molesworth Station |
Panorama of Molesworth Station |
Clarence River rafting panorama |
Clarence River rafting |
Farmland in Molesworth |
Lake Sedgemere wetlands panorama |
Musterer's breakfast, Molesworth |
Yarra Hut, Molesworth Station |
Mustering, Molesworth Station |
Mustering, Molesworth Station |
Mustering, Molesworth Station |
Mustering, Molesworth Station |
Molesworth Station hut, moonrise |
Cattle muster, Molesworth Road |
Cattle muster, Molesworth Road |
Cattle muster, Molesworth Road |
Cattle muster, Molesworth |
Molesworth Station landscape |
Molesworth Station, Guide valley |
Molesworth Station, Guide valley |
Molesworth, Half Moon Saddle |
Molesworth Station landscape |
Molesworth Station, Guide valley |
Molesworth Station, Guide valley |
Farm gate, summer evening light |
Farm gate, summer evening light |
Fly fisherman with a trout |
Stockman, horses & dogs, Molesworth |
Trout fisherman |
Yeo Stream, Molesworth Station |
Mount Tapuae-o-Uenuku |