Weka in cage trap |
Conservation worker banding Weka |
Conse4rvation worker banding Weka |
Conservation worker holding wekas |
Native bellbird on branch |
Little Blue Penguin Eudyptula minor |
Long Island with sea in foreground |
Motuara Is from Long Island |
Scenic & Marine Reserve signpost |
Inland Kaikouras and Clarence valley |
Dairy farming |
Farmland and waterway |
Rubbish dump, Blenheim |
Marlborough farmland |
Molesworth Station |
Dairy Farming |
Farmland |
Sunlight on rolling hills, Wairau |
Lake Grassmere, Marlborough |
Kaikoura Ranges |
Rarangi farmland, Blenheim |
The Muller Station, Marlborough |
Marlborough-Wairau River |
Wairau Lagoons, Marlborough |
Marlborough farmland |
Clarence Valley, Marlb. |
Clarence River, Marlb. |
Molesworth Station |
Kakapo, rare NZ nocturnal parrot |
Kakapo bird, rare NZ nocturnal parrot |
Kakapo bird, rare NZ nocturnal parrot |
Kakapo bird, rare NZ nocturnal parrot |
Kakapo bird, rare NZ nocturnal parrot |
Kakapo bird, rare NZ nocturnal parrot |
Kakapo feet, rare NZ nocturnal parrot |
Kakapo feet, rare NZ nocturnal parrot |
Maud Island Frog, NZ native |
Maud Island Frog, NZ native |
New Zealand Takahe bird |
New Zealand Takahe bird |
Ship's Cove |
Misty Queen Charlotte Sounds |
Marlborough Sounds |
Burn off fire |
Arapawa Island, Marlborough Sounds |
Interislander ferry in Tory Channel |
Arapawa Island, Tory Channel, Marlb. Sds |
Ship Cove, Queen Charlotte Sd, Marlborough |
Closeup of Takahe bird |
DOC worker with Maud Island frog |
WW2 Gun emplacement,Maud Island |
Historic defense |
Kakapo eating Poroporo berries |
Molesworth Station sign |
Powerlines in Acheron River Valley |
Poison bait station on fence post |
Matagouri shrub in flower |
Testing cattle heifers for TB |
Testing cattle heifers for TB |
Cattle in the Tarndale cattleyards |