Tourists on rocks, Antarctica |
Ship wake through Antarctica ice |
Antarctica cruise ship on icy sea |
Ice patterns & ship, Antarctica |
Cruise ship tourists, Antarctica |
Cruise ship navigating icy seas |
Ship on icy seas, Antarctica |
Tramping, Tararua Ranges |
Tramping, Tararua Ranges |
Trampers admire view, Tararuas |
Tramping, Tararua Ranges |
Tramping, Tararua Ranges |
Glider above Mt Hector, Tararuas |
Glider above Mt Hector, Tararuas |
Glider above Mt Hector, Tararuas |
Glider and pilot, blue skies |
Memorial, WW2 climber ,Tararuas |
Trampers pass memorial, Tararuas |
Mt Hector summit, Tararuas |
Tourists view penguins on rocks |
Sun shafts on Auckland Islands |
Adelie penguin chicks in blizzard |
Adelie penguin chicks in blizzard |
Adelie penguin in snow storm |
Stormy seas, Antarctica |
Wandering Albatross over the sea |
Wandering Albatross over ocean |
Wandering albatross over ocean |
Albatross flying over the sea |
Adelie penguins in snow storm |
Southern Rata forest Auckland Is |
Smith Harbour, Auckland Islands |
Ridge, Auckland Islands |
Musgrave Knob, Auckland Islands |
Sun rays over Auckland Is & sea |
Flowering Southern Rata forest |
Tourists on boardwalk Enderby Is |
Old amphibious vehicle, ANARE Sn |
Tourists at steam digester plants |
Tourists on boat, The Snares Is |
Adelie penguin eating snow |
Adelie penguin preening tail |
South Polar Skua, Antarctica |
Mawson's proclamation, 1931 |
Mawson's historic notation read |
Campsite, Remutaka Forest Park |
Île des Pétrels, Antarctica |
Cape Prud’homme Stn, Antarctica |
Penguins on blue iceberg |
Icicles hanging from small iceber |
Sunset, Southern Ocean sea swell |
Tourists walking on Enderby Is |
Hourglass dolphins, Antarctica |
King penguin leaving water |
King penguin leaving water |
King Penguin colony on waterfront |
King Penguins , Macquarie Island |
Trampers, Remutaka Forest Park |
Sunset, Southern Ocean sea swell |
Icicles hanging from icebergs |