Goat fish male |
Goat fish |
Goat fish |
Snapper fish |
Snapper fish |
Snapper fish |
Snapper fish |
Snapper fish |
Snapper fish |
Snapper fish |
Oystercatcher nest on beach |
Oystercatcher nest on beach |
Oystercatcher nest on beach |
Oystercatcher nest on beach |
Brown teal, NZ native |
Brown teal family hiding |
South Island Robin bird |
Hector's Dolphin viewing |
Hector's Dolphin viewing |
Hector's Dolphin pod |
Hector's Dolphins |
Hector's Dolphin pod |
Hector's Dolphins |
Hector's Dolphins |
Red-billed Gull |
Pied Stilts |
Kaka bird |
Kaka bird in rain |
Kaka bird |
Gannet bird flying |
Gannet bird with seaweed at colony |
Gannet bird carrying seaweed |
Ichneumon wasp & crab spider |
Ichneumon wasp & crab spider |
Ichneumon parasitic wasp |
Ichneumon parasitic wasp |
Crab spider |
Crab Spider |
Crab Spider hunting spider |
Native NZ Red Admiral butterfly |
Black swan pair |
Kingfisher bird waiting for prey |
Kingfisher bird waiting for prey |
Clock Cicada |
Clock Cicada |
Clock Cicada |
Clock Cicada |
Clock Cicada |
Black fronted terns |
Black fronted terns |
Black fronted terns |
Fiordland crested penguin |
Fiordland crested penguin |
Kea bird |
Kea bird |
Red billed gull |
Banded dotterel nest on beach |
Banded dotterel nest on beach |
Banded dotterel nest on beach |
Black swan and sygnets |