Whatipu Beach with walkers, Auckland |
Whatipu Beach, West Auckland |
Whatipu Beach, West Auckland |
Group walking on Whiritoa Beach |
Summer at Mt Maunganui Beach |
Summer at Mt Maunganui Beach |
Summer at Mt Maunganui Beach |
Summer at Mount Maunganui Beach |
Swimmers at Maitai Bay, Northland |
Summer at Maitai Bay, Northland |
Summer at Maitai Bay, Northland |
Summer at Maitai Bay, Northland |
Summer at Maitai Bay |
Mokoia Island on Lake Rotorua |
Antarctic tourists & penguins |
Volunteers plant trees, Mana Island |
Planting seedlings, Mana Island |
South Georgia visitors |
South Georgia visitors |
Union Jack flag at Falkland Islands |
No Fishing sign at Motu River mouth |
No Fishing sign at Motu River Mouth |
Swimming between the flags |
Swimming between the flags |
Swim between the flags |
Swimming between the flags |
Whaling boat wreck, South Georgia |
Remnants of deserted whaling boat |
Rusty remains of Whaling boat |
Nesting Magelllanic Penguin |
Camping at Fletcher Bay |
Family camping at Fletcher Bay |
Looking towards Fletcher Bay Camp |
Gentoo Penguins nesting on beach |
Gentoo penguin nesting on beach |
Gentoo penguin nesting on beach |
Tourists at Arch Point kayaking |
Enjoying beach with the family |
Camping at the beach |
Relaxing at the beach |
Relaxing at the beach |
Relaxing camping at the beach |
Family Camping on the beach |
Camping at the beach |
Tumbling seed head on beach |
Spinifex seed heads |
Moving spinifex seed head on beach |
Tumbling spinifex seed head |
Mass of spinifex seed heads on beach |
Yacht sailing on Wellington harbour |
Yacht sailing on Welllington harbour |
Large colony of Chinstrap Penguins |
Large colony of Chinstrap Penguins |
Adult penguin on nest with chicks |
Penguin on nest with young chick |
Penguin feeding young chick |
Shackelton's grave, South Georgia |
Tourist with kayaks on beach |
Sun rising at Onetahuti Beach |
Driftwood sculpture on beach |