Clarence River rafting |
Clarence River rafting |
Clarence River rafting |
Molesworth Station |
Students' Suspension Bridge |
Students' Suspension Bridge, Molesworth |
Students' Suspension Bridge |
Students' Suspension Bridge |
Students' Suspension Bridge |
Students' Suspension Bridge |
Students' Suspension Bridge |
Higher Acheron Bridge |
Higher Acheron Bridge |
Higher Acheron Bridge |
Rakiura Track - Stewart Island |
Rakiura Track - Stewart Island |
Rakiura Track - Stewart Island |
Rakiura Track - Stewart Island |
Rakiura Track - Stewart Island |
Rakiura Track - Stewart Island |
Awatere headwaters |
Mares Leg Cove in Cathedral Cove |
Opito Bay |
Cathedral Cove |
Mares Leg Cove in Cathedral Cove |
Mares Leg Cove in Cathedral Cove |
Hauraki Gulf with moody sunshafts |
Hauraki Gulf with moody sunshafts |
Cathedral Cove beach |
Cathedral Cove beach |
Wharekawa Harbour & Wahitapu stream |
Wharekawa Harbour & Wahitapu stream |
Onetahuti Beach in Abel Tasman |
Sedgemere & Bowscale Tarn in winter |
Sedgemere & Bowscale Tarn in winter |
Sedgemere & Bowscale Tarn in winter |
Sedgemere wetlands, Tarndale |
Inland Kaikoura Ranges & Lake McRae |
Clarence River gorge |
Clarence River gorge |
Clarence River gorge |
Clarence River |
The Hillary Trail, Te Henga walkway |
Mission Bay Beach |
Mission Bay Beach |
Mission Bay Beach |
Mission Bay Beach |
Mission Bay Beach |
Mission Bay Beach |
Mission Bay Beach |
Mission Bay Beach |
Mission Bay Beach |
O'Neill Bay - square format |
Molesworth Station buildings |
Interislander ferry in Tory Channel |
Queen Charlotte Sound |
Interislander ferry in Tory Channel |
Interislander ferry in Tory Channel |
Beach crossed by freshwater stream |
Beach crossed by freshwater stream |