Upper Awatere - Marlborough |
Molesworth Station |
Upper Awatere - Marlborough |
Mount Tapuae-o-Uenuku |
Farm dogs |
Farm dogs, Molesworth Station |
Molesworth Station mustering |
Molesworth Station mustering |
Molesworth Station mustering |
Molesworth Station mustering |
Cattle Muster, Molesworth Station |
Molesworth stockman and dogs |
Cattle Muster, Molesworth Station |
Clarence River, Marlborough high country |
Clarence River |
Mount Tapuae-o-Uenuku |
Millars Beach Bay and wharf |
Millars Beach Bay and wharf |
Millars Beach Bay and wharf |
Clarence River |
Clarence River |
Muzzle Stream valley |
Muzzle Stream valley |
Muzzle Station, Kaikoura Ranges |
Muzzle Station, Kaikoura Ranges |
Akaroa Head |
Akaroa Head |
Quail Flat Cob, Clarence Reserve |
Clarence Reserve - panorama |
Awatere River upper valley |
Awatere River upper valley summer flood |
Swimmers in Kaikoura - panorama |
Swimmers in Kaikoura - panorama |
Swimmers in Kaikoura - panorama |
Kaikoura Peninsula panorama |
Clarence River and valley |
Clarence River and valley |
Clarence River and valley |
Yeo Stream, Molesworth |
Upper Awatere River in flood |
Island Lake at Tarndale |
Island Lake at Tarndale |
Trout fisherman |
Lake Sedgemere tarn and wetlands |
Lake Sedgemere tarn and wetlands |
Island Lake at Tarndale |
Island Lake at Tarndale |
Island Saddle |
Angus cattle calf in tussock |
Angus and angus cross cattle |
Angus and angus cross cattle |
Angus Bull |
Angus Bull |
Angus Bull |
Angus Bull |
Angus Bull |
Trout fishing in Bowscale Tarn |
Mount Brewster - Haast River Valley |
Old musterers hut |
Llawrenny Peaks snowfield |