Manuka flower bloom |
NZ manuka flower bloom |
NZ Manuka flowers |
NZ Manuka flowers |
NZ manuka flower |
Clump of tussock on Rangipo Desert |
Barren Rangipo Desert landscape |
Alpine plants of the Rangipo desert |
Desolate Rangipo Desert |
Desolate Rangipo Desert |
Desolate Rangipo Desert |
Waikato farmland and sky |
Leaves blowing in wind |
Leaves blowing in wind |
Strong winds blowing leaves |
Leaves blowing in strong wind |
Blurred leaves of cabbage tree |
Wind swept Mahoe Tree |
Movement of leaves in wind |
Storm blowing leaves on tree |
Strong winds blowing leaves |
Titahi bay panorama |
Looking along trunk cabbage tree |
Cabbage tree against sky |
Native Cordyline tree |
Twisting roots of Rata tree |
Lichen encrusted Rata tree |
NZ native broom flowers |
NZ native broom flowers |
Braided river |
Braided river valley |
Braided river valley |
Rugged Tasmanian island |
Lighthouse on Tasmanian Island |
Jagged Tasmanian coast |
Sea crashing against rugged coast |
Stormy sea along Tasmanian coast |
Mount Cook & Lake Pukaki |
Aoraki & Lake Pukaki |
Rata vine next to walkway |
Walking across swing bridge |
Walking across swing bridge |
Walking across swing bridge |
Looking under rocks |
Taking photo of mountain sunset |
Walking along Thomas Range, Haast |
Walking along misty ridge |
Walking on misty ridgeline |
Tramper on misty ridge |
Hiker on misty ranges |
Hiker on misty mountain ranges |
Sunset over mountain ranges |
Sunset over mountain range |
Swings in the playground |
Lace like fern fronds |
Fern fronds |
Off road driving |
Haast River and rugged mountains |
Rugged mountains at Haast |
Looking skyward to native tree tops |