Volunteers planting out seedlings |
Volunteers planting out seedlings |
Volunteers planting out seedlings |
Volunteers planting out seedlings |
Elephant seals & King Penguins |
Juvenile elephant seals on beach |
Train crossing viaduct, Ohakune |
Train crossing viaduct, Ohakune |
Hapuawhenua Viaduct |
Hapuawhenua Viaduct |
Hapuawhenua Viaduct |
Native Tawari flowers |
Native NZ Woolly Moss |
Flowers of the Kowhai tree |
Flowering Kowhai tree in Spring |
Coastal country road, Coromandel |
Gravel country road on coast |
Coastal gravel road, Coromandel |
Winding gravel road on coast |
Pied Shag roosting in tree on coast |
Pied Shag resting in tree on coast |
Looking over Wapiti River Valley |
Looking over river valley, Fiordland |
Looking over river valley, Fiordland |
Flower of the NZ hibiscus |
NZ hibiscus flower |
Cattle grazing on pasture |
Campers at Fantail Bay |
Camping at Port Jackson |
Overlooking Fletcher Bay camp |
Camping at Fantail Bay |
Camping at Fantail Bay |
Hand made sign on rural road |
Amusing sign on rural road |
NZ native plant products |
NZ Native plant products |
Native NZ plant products |
Honey from native NZ plants |
Range of New Zealand products |
Manuka honey products |
Manuka Honey products |
Range of New Zealand products |
Hunters resting at riverside |
Twisted bull kelp |
New Zealand bull kelp |
Walking at Tonga Arches, Abel Tasman NP |
Coastal flax plant in bloom |
Flax seed heads |
Camping at the beach |
Spinifex seed head rolling on beach |
Spinifex seed head rolling on beach |
Albatross flapping wings |
Iconic NZ silverfern |
Iconic silver fern |
Rowers on Lake Karapiro |
Native NZ Pohutukawa |
Native Pohutukawa flower |
Pohutukawa blooms |
Native NZ Pohutukawa flowers |
Native Pohutukawa bloom |