NZ native Bulrush flowers |
Sandy Bay, Enderby Is. |
Sandy Bay, Enderby Is. |
Bull sea lion chasing penguins |
Sea lion bull watching rival male |
Young Southern Elephant seals |
Resting baby seals |
Happy elephant seal juvenile |
Penguins on Snares Island |
Sub Antarctic Penguins on rocks |
Close up of kowhai leaves |
Tiny leaves of Kowhai |
close-up of bark on totora tree |
Totara bark pattern |
Close up of Totara bark |
Totara tree bark |
Close up of bark of Totara tree |
Plant leaves in wind |
Native New Zealand Iris |
Bluured Iris Leaves in wind |
Bush iris leaves blowing in wind |
NZ Bluebell flower |
Closeup of Native Bluebell |
Closeup of native bluebell |
Rock daisy bud |
Flower buds of native daisy |
Two flower buds of native daisy |
Flower bud of rock daisy |
Rock Daisy bud |
Spiky head of native Bidibidi |
Flower of the Poor Knights Lily |
Poor Knights Lily flowers |
Flowering flower native lily |
Flower of the Poor Knights Lily |
Natvie lily flower |
Flowering everlastin daisy |
Flower of everlasting daisy |
NZ naive daisy |
Worried looking shark |
Limpets in sandstone |
Shark skin closeup |
Overhead view of shark head |
Spiny dogfish fin |
Spiny Dogfish |
Spiny Dogfish |
NZ Octopus |
Octopus |
NZ Octopus |
Wet tussock grasses |
Native Akeake flowers |
Native Akeake flowers |
Native speargrass flower head |
Native Speargrass flower head |
Octopus suckers |
Octopus suckers |
Octopus suckers |
Marine snail trails |
Native insect damage, Kawakawa |
Fern koru |
NZ native fern koru |