Tramping, Kepler Track, Fiordland |
Tramping, Kepler Track, Fiordland |
Tramping, Kepler Track, Fiordland |
Tramping Kepler Track, Fiordland |
Tramping, Kepler Track, Fiordland |
Trampers, Kepler Track, Fiordland |
Tramping, Kepler Track, Fiordland |
Mt Luxmore Trig, Kepler Track |
Mt Luxmore Trig, Kepler Track |
Tramping Kepler Track , Fiordland |
Kaikoura wildlife breeding area |
Barney's Rock, Kaikoura Coast |
Woman with camera, Christie Falls |
Christie Falls, Southland |
Car on Milford Road bridge |
Rainbow, Lake Te Anau, Firodland |
Visitors Te Anau viewing rainbow |
Luxmore Hut, Kepler Track |
Hen and Chicken fern frond |
Hen & chickens fern frond closeup |
Lake Te Anau, bare trees in front |
New Water Fern frond shoots |
Bush Lawyer flowers and leaves |
Leaves and flowers, Bush Lawyer |
Close up Bush Lawyer flower |
Hen and Chickens Fern fronds |
Close up Hen & Chickens Fern frond |
Hen and Chickens Fern frond tip |
Hen and Chickens Fern fronds |
Lichen on railway bridge |
Lichen on railway bridge |
Native tree Fuchsia branch |
Close up NZ fuchsia flower |
Close up native Fuchsia flowers |
Close up NZ Native Fuchsia flower |
Flowers of Corokia contoneaster |
Close up Rata vine flowers |
Fern fronds unfurling |
Chatham Is leaf pattern |
Chatham Is forget-me-not leaf |
Chatham Island Forget-me-not |
Hunter, deer carcass and dog |
Conservation worker, Long Island |
Native forest & Marlborough Sounds |
Close view Red Matipo tree leaves |
Close up of NZ Orchid in flower |
Close up NZ native orchid flower |
Close up NZ Greenhood orchid |
Close up of NZ Native Spinach |
NZ Native Palm Kiokio fern fronds |
Kohekohe Fruit |
Kohekohe Fruit |
Coprosma stipules |
Coprosma domatia |
Native Astelia fruit |
Kohekohe fruit capsules |
Ruahine Corner tramping hut |
Close up Groundsel flowers |
Native Groundsel |
Coprosma flowers |