Wanganui Memorial tower |
Memorial tower, Wanganui |
Memorial Tower, Wanganui |
Memorial tower, Wanganui |
Motorbike repairs |
Petone foreshore |
Petone foreshore |
Petone foreshore |
Te Anau Wapiti statue |
Te Anau Wapiti statue |
H-bomb humour, Gunns Camp |
Inexpressible Is., Antarctica |
Inexpressible Is., Antarctica |
Inexpressible Is., Antarctica |
Inexpressible Is., Antarctica |
Inexpressible Is., Antarctica |
Inexpressible Is., Antarctica |
Napier canon |
Napier statue |
Napier |
Napier statue, Spirit of Napier |
Pania of the Reef statue |
Pania of the Reef statue |
'Pania of the Reef' statue |
'Pania of the Reef' statue |
'Pania of the Reef' statue |
'Pania of the Reef' statue |
Captain Cook Statue, Gisborne |
Capt. Cook statue, Gisborne |
Iroquois helicopter winch |
Nelson foreshore |
Nelson memorial |
Rainbow Warrior Memorial |
Rainbow Warrior Memorial |
Ruapekapeka Pa |
Ruapekapeka Pa |
Ruapekapeka pa site |
Ruapekapeka Pa |
Rangiriri Pa |
Motuihe Is. graveyard |
Auckland Museum |
Auckland Museum |
Auckland War Memorial Museum. |
Auckland Museum |
North Head, Auckland |
Auckland |
Auckland Museum |
Auckland Museum |
Auckland Museum |
Waiouru |
Remutaka Hill snow |
Blenheim |
Blenheim |
Blenheim |
Tuatara sculpture |
Gore, giant trout |
War memorial, Alexandra |
Queenstown - W. G. Rees |
Historic Cromwell |
Cromwell giant fruit |