NZ Mahoe tree fruiting |
NZ Mahoe tree fruiting |
Rimu tree leaves |
Kauri tree crown |
Kauri tree leaves and cones |
Kauri tree leaves and cone |
Kauri tree leaves and cone |
Kauri tree leaves |
Kauri tree leaves |
Waitarere beach, Horowhenua |
Waiopehu Scenic Reserve, Levin |
Petone beach, Wellington Harbour |
Round hay bales, Cocksfoot grass |
Round hay bales, Cocksfoot grass |
Round hay bales, Cocksfoot grass |
South Remutaka Forest Park coast |
South Remutaka Forest Park coast |
South Remutaka Forest Park coast |
Kanuka forest canopy sunburst |
Kanuka forest canopy |
Kanuka forest canopy |
Lake Kaniere, Westland |
Lawn daisies and clover |
Hebe townsonii leaves |
Mairehau flowers, NZ native |
Wilton Bush, with visitors |
Wilton Otari Bush walkway, Wellington |
Rewarewa tree canopy |
Rewarewa tree canopy |
Chatham Island forget-me-not |
Chatham Island forget-me-not |
Chatham Island forget-me-not |
Red matipo shrub |
NZ Kakabeak flowers |
Filmy ferns (Hymenophyllum sp.) |
Rangiora shrub in flower |
Puketea tree leaves, NZ |
Nikau Palm fronds, NZ native |
Nikau Palm fronds, NZ native |
Nikau Palm fronds, NZ native |
Nikau Palm fronds, NZ native |
Nikau Palm fronds, NZ native |
Nikau Palm fronds, NZ native |
Nikau Palm fronds, NZ native |
Tree fern fronds, NZ native |
Tree fern fronds, NZ native |
Tree fern fronds, NZ native |
Tree fern fronds, NZ native |
Native Kamahi flowers |
Native Kamahi flowers |
Native Kamahi flowers |
Bannockburn Sluicings Reserve |
Bannockburn Sluicings Reserve |
Bannockburn Sluicings Reserve |
Bannockburn Sluicings Reserve |
Tanekaha tree, or Celery pine fruit |
Tanekaha tree, or Celery pine fruit |
Tanekaha tree, or Celery pine fruit |
Tanekaha tree, or Celery pine fruit |
NZ liverwort reproducing |