Icy Syme Hut on Mt Taranaki, winter |
Syme Hut on Mt Taranaki, winter |
Windswept alpine scrub, Haast |
Windswept alpine scrub, Haast |
Alpine cushion plant, Hectorella |
Eroded coastal limestone rock |
Plane tree leaves |
Plane tree leaves |
Rain falling on water |
Rain falling on water |
Lake Taylor, Lake Sumner F.P. |
Lake Taylor, Lake Sumner F.P. |
Lake Taylor, Lake Sumner F.P. |
Lake Taylor, Lake Sumner F.P. |
Lake Taylor, Lake Sumner F.P. |
Lake Taylor, Lake Sumner F.P. |
Surfer, Pakiri Beach, Northland |
Surfer, Pakiri Beach, Northland |
Surfer, Pakiri Beach, Northland |
Surfer, Pakiri Beach, Northland |
NZ Triangle shells |
NZ Triangle shells |
Starred or Nelson green gecko head |
Pohutukawa flower stems on ground |
Pohutukawa blooms |
Douglas-fir trees |
Douglas-fir trees |
Douglas-fir trees |
Douglas-fir trees |
Pine trees |
Pine trees |
Pine trees |
Spring blooms, mass daffodils |
Tidal inlet textures |
Pine tree seedling |
Pine tree seedling |
Blue Mussel sheels |
Interbedded sandstone |
Clouds and blue sky |
Clouds and blue sky |
Old decking timber |
Plane tree leaves |
Plane tree leaves |
Oak tree leaves |
Oak tree leaves |
Awatere River valley headwaters |
Awatere River valley headwaters |
Awatere River valley headwaters |
Pohutukawa tree bark |
Pohutukawa tree bark |
Scotch thistle flower |
Scotch thistle flower |
Half moon hutdoor latch |
Unusual wispy orange sunset |
Unusual wispy orange sunset |
Fiery sunset |
Iceberg with sculptured curves |
Iceberg with sculptured hollows |
Blue sky and cloud patterns |
Blue sky and clouds |