Oriental beach & promenade, Wgtn |
Oriental Bay & promenade, Wgtn |
Oriental Bay & Promenade, Wgtn |
National War Memorial Bldg Wgtn |
Tomb of the Unknown Warrior Wgtn |
Tomb of the Unknown Warrior Wgtn |
Inside National War Memorial Wgtn |
Inside War Memorial Bldg Wgtn |
Inside National War Memorial Wgtn |
Bucket Fountain, Cuba Mall, Wgtn |
Cuba Mall shoppers, Wellington |
Sunbathing, Clyde Quay, Wgtn |
Sunbathing, Wellington waterfront |
Clyde Quay marina, Wellington |
Clyde Quay Marina, Wellington |
Queens Wharf outdoor dining, Wgtn |
Water whirler, waterfront, Wgtn |
Water whirler, waterfront, Wgtn |
Wellington waterfront walkway |
Wellington waterfront walkers |
Wellington Waterfront buildings |
Promeade, Wellington waterfront |
Walkway bridge, Wgtn Harbour |
Walkway bridge, waterfront, Wgtn |
Lunch at Midland Park, Wellington |
Oriental Bay beach visitors, Wgtn |
Oriental Bay from Band Rotunda |
Oriental Bay from band rotunda |
People enjoying Oriental Bay |
Oriental Bay walkers & kayakers |
Coastguard and Yachts in harbour |
Yacht race. Evans Bay |
Karaka Bay beach and jetty |
Karaka Bay beach and jetty, Wgtn |
Fishing off Karaka Bay jetty |
Fishing off Karaka Bay jetty |
Fishing off Worser Bay jetty |
Fishing off Worser Bay jetty |
Fishing off Worser Bay jetty |
Surf life saviing boat racing |
Surf life saving boat races |
Cyclists, Breaker Bay road |
Motorcyclists, Scorching Bay |
Seaside cafe at Scorching Bay |
Cafe visitors enjoying meal |
Giant Tripod Sculpture Wellington |
Giant Tripod sculpture Wellington |
Old Bank Arcade building |
Lady Norwood Rose Gardens |
Roses, Botanical Gardens |
Lady Norwood Rose Gardens |
Wedding party, Rose Gardens |
Wedding party Botanical Gardens |
Wedding party, Botanical Gardens |
Walking in Botanical Gardens |
Sundial sculpture closeup |
Sundial sculpture close-up |
Duck Pond, Botanical Gardens |
Duck Pond, Botanical Gardens |
Women & dog walking on farmland |