Otatara Pa Historic Reserve, Napier |
Otatara Pa Historic Reserve, Napier |
Otatara Pa Historic Reserve, Napier |
Otatara Pa Historic Reserve, Napier |
Otatara Pa Historic Reserve, Napier |
Otatara Pa Historic Reserve, Napier |
Tukituki River mouth flooding |
Tukituki River mouth flooding |
Whatipu Beach lighthouse, West Auckland |
Waihora Lagoon, Pureora Forest Taupo |
Waihora Lagoon, Pureora Forest Taupo |
Waihora Lagoon, Pureora Forest Taupo |
Cape Turakirae earthquake beaches, Wgtn |
Manukau Harbour mouth, West Auckland |
Manukau Harbour mouth, West Auckland |
Whatipu Beach sunset, West Auckland |
White Cliffs, Paraninihi, North Taranaki |
Tongaporutu Coast, North Taranaki |
Tongaporutu Coast, North Taranaki |
Tongaporutu Coast, North Taranaki |
Wanagnui River Heads, South Westland |
Wanagnui River Heads, South Westland |
Mokau, cold air inversion, North Taranaki |
Mokau River, North Taranaki |
Mokau River, North Taranaki |
Mokau River, North Taranaki |
Mokau River, North Taranaki |
Burneys beach, Arapawa Is., Marlb |
Mussel farm bouys, Marlborough |
Ahuriri River and Valley. Omarama |
Waimea Inlet, Tasman Bay, Nelson |
Forestry slash and debris, East Cape |
Forestry slash and debris, East Cape |
Ohiwa Harbour entrance, Western Bay of Plenty |
Ohiwa Harbour entrance, Western Bay of Plenty |
Ohiwa Harbour entrance, Western Bay of Plenty |
Waioeka River Gorge, East Coast |
Waioeka River Gorge, East Coast |
Waioeka River Gorge, East Coast |
Waioeka River Gorge, East Coast |
Sediment plumes, Kahutara River, Kaikoura |
Sediment plumes, Kahutara River, Kaikoura |
Forestry slash and debris, East Cape |
Forestry slash and debris, East Cape |
Forestry slash and debris, East Cape |
Forestry slash and debris, East Cape |
Waimea Inlet, Tasman Bay, Nelson |
Waimea Inlet, Tasman Bay, Nelson |
Waimea Inlet, Tasman Bay, Nelson |
Waimea Inlet, Tasman Bay, Nelson |
Waimea Inlet, Tasman Bay, Nelson |
Cyclone Gita clean up, Marahau, Tasman Bay |
Cyclone Gita clean up, Marahau, Tasman Bay |
Cyclone Gita clean up, Marahau, Tasman Bay |
Sediment plumes, Kahutara River, Kaikoura |
Sediment plumes, Kahutara River, Kaikoura |
Sediment plumes, Kahutara River, Kaikoura |
Sediment plumes, Kahutara River, Kaikoura |
Sediment plumes, Kahutara River, Kaikoura |
Piha Beach, West Auckland |